Canyon Creek Elementary Home of the Coyotes
Safety Concern
Now enrolling Kindergarten & New Families
Welcome to Canyon Creek Elementry
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Canyon Creek Main office
Phone: 425-408-5700 Fax: 425-408-5702
Office Manager Lisa Murray Phone: 425-408-5701 Email: lmurray@nsd.org
registrar/ Secretary Terri Jaenson Phone: 425-408-5703 Email: tjaenson@nsd.org
Theresa Burns Phone: 425-408-5740 Email: tburns2@nsd.org
Attendance office
Health room
Katie Brack Phone: 425-408-5706 School Nurse - kbrack@nsd.org
Brandi Doyle 425-408-5700 bdoyle@nsd.org
Craig Richardson 425-408-5770 crichardson@nsd.org
Winnie McCulloch 425-408-5747 wmcculloch@nsd.org
Laurie Powers 425-408-5759 lpowers2@nsd.org
M, T, TH, F: 9:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. Early Release Wednesday: 2:15 p.m.
Canyon Creek Elementary Staffs